Scroll further to see specific rules, by division /age group
Mercy Rule - 15 runs after 3 innings, 12 runs after 4 innings, or 8 runs after 5 innings
Up to 3 coaches are allowed inside the dugout. Coaches must also wear league/team's shirts to be allowed in the dugout (NO EXCEPTION).
10 players on the field maximum including 7 male and 3 females.
Fielder Regulations – The pitcher and catcher need to be of the opposite sex, at least 1 female in infield, and 1 female in outfield.
To prevent outfielders from playing too close on the weaker hitters, there will be a restraining line that will run in a 200 ft. radius from the back of home plate. Outfielders may not step inside this line until the batter makes contact with the ball. Violations of the rule will result in the umpire declaring the ball dead and the batter will be awarded first base. Base runners will advance if forced by the other runners.
Any violations of these will be corrected by umpires and league officials. No protest may be filed for failure to adhere to these rules. Continued violation of these rules will bring disciplinary action to the team manager. All rules will be governed by ASA with the exception of the rules covered here.
The “EH”, or extra hitter players for coed league, allows for 12 batters. However, the team must maintain the number they start with or an automatic out will be called when a player comes to bat who cannot bat or be substituted.
Courtesy runners will be the last out made (male for male and/or female for female.) Only 1 courtesy runner is allowed per inning per gender.
Ten minute grace period for 1st games of each night. All other game times are forfeit times. All game clocks will start on scheduled times. It is the team’s responsibility to start on time. A new inning will not start after an hour. Make-up games might fall on nights other than normal game nights.
All games are to be played when scheduled.
Coed teams will use the 12 '' .52 core balls with a 300 compression. The bases will be 70 ft. apart and the pitching rubber will be 50ft from home plate.
Mercy Rule: 15 runs after 3 innings, 12 runs after 4th innings, and 8 runs after 5 innings.
If a male player is walked; he automatically goes to second base. The next female batter will automatically have the option to walk or hit away.
Bats – ISA/NSA/USSSA/ASA bats (All Approved Bats)
Every line-up is to be turned into the scorekeeper with the first and last name, and jersey number.
Every batter enters the batter’s box with a 1 and 1 count with an extra foul.
Absolutely no fake tags to be applied by anyone.
There will be no stealing by any circumstances.
Pick up Player Rule: If you need a female, pick up females. If you need a male, pick up a male. You can only pick up players to make a 10 man roster. All pickups have to play outfield and last in batting order. If you pick up a female, she will hit in the 9th spot or later in the order.
Any defensive player considered to be an infielder by the umpire shall remain in their normal defensive position until the batter has actually hit the pitched ball. EFFECT: The penalty for violating this rule by a defensive player shall result in the female batter being awarded first base. All other runners remain on the base where they are, unless forced to the next base by the batter being awarded first base. This call can be made by any field umpire and shall be a judgment call. No appeals or protests will be allowed pertaining to this call. The umpire making the call shall immediately yell “Dead Ball” at the time the defensive player commits the violation and award the female batter in question first base.